Say it in a poem<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Say it in a poem.

I’ve lost my skill –

The divine energy.


I’ve lost



No value for me, no

No value of life


And it still was my voice

Very quiet and in the dark

One could hardly hear, but


The moment before falling

I was talking to you. I was

Floating on heavenly freedom

Radiating light

That I never recognized as my own

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />06.02.06




Turn off the light

Yes, let it be darkness, let it be

Intimate warm freedom.





I’ve lost the flow of endless

Creative words that

Arrange themselves as many

Haiku-like pictures of myself.

Guess it’s the damn dope.




b's too down and i'm too busy. we are not creative anymore. just lost. we don't know how to get better or find the missing ideas & motivation. writing trash doesn't bring us any further. b has to get clean and i have to think more before posting in my blog. well we're doing our best but can't guarantee anything.